So yeah . . . it's been FOREVER since I last made a post! It would take me months to blog about what I've done and experienced since the last post, but I will shorten everything up a bit.
Since I've arrived in Korea, I have yet to adjust to the time change . . . Can you imagine having jet lag for 8 months??? This has been my life since the last post: trying to find sleep whenever I can! For some odd reason I cannot go to sleep at night! I guess I had this problem at home before I left, but it was never this extreme! I'm sleepy during the day when I have classes, but I am also sleepy at night, but I can't go to sleep.
After finals at the end of December, I went to doctor to see what was up and he diagnosed me with sever chronic insomnia. He asked me if I was stressed or depressed, and I was like, "uhhh, no?" LOL. I was expecting to go through a sleep test, but all he did was prescribe me this medication that's super addictive, so he just gave me enough for a week for me to get some sleep. I don't remember the exact name, but I do know that it was a drug Michael Jackson was taking before died . . . yeah, LOL.
I also met a new friend after my appointment with the doctor. His name is Hyun Su. He is a volunteer at the hospital in the International Medical Department that helps international patients with going to the counter to pay and stuff like that. He also goes to the same university as I, Korea University. We exchanged numbers and we still try to hang out now, but it's difficult since I try to spend my free time sleeping.
Winter break at Korea University is 2 and half months long!! OMG - I go sooooo much sleep - hold up! I forgot! My birthday was December 31! I turned 21, and guess what I did? I woke up at 1, my friends took me to my favorite Italian restaurant here in town, and I went to sleep! LOL!!!! I My friends had to go to a concert or something like that, so I couldn't spend the day with them, so I thought I'd give myself a birthday present by getting some much needed sleep. HOWEVER, they did call me at 11pm to a bar to have some birthday drinks since it wouldn't be right if I didn't drink any alcohol "legally" (drinking age in Korea is 19) on my 21st birthday. I didn't get drunk, but they sure did, LOL!!!!
So, like I was saying - Korea University's winter break is 2 and half months long! It's technically they're summer break because they're academic schedule is opposite from our in the States. Our 1st semester is in the Fall while for them, it's their 2nd. So, spring semester in their 1st semester . . . yeah, who want's a longer break during the winter with the cold weather and all??? I think that Korea was just trying to be different, LOL.
But, other than sleeping, I did do A LOT of SHOPPING!!! I love spending money! I mean who doesn't? (If that's you, you need to get some prayer for that demon, LOL) I got lots of socks, which to those of you who don't know me might seem strange, but to everyone else it's very normal, LOL. I bought some souvenirs, saw some palaces, and of course, I slept!
School started on March 2nd. My classes are more intense this semester than the last. I'm taking 5 course: Poetry, Art and Culture, Environment, Human Geography, and Accounting. Super random course, trust me, I know, LOL. It's really hard to choose courses out here because if you don't speak Korea, then you have a very limited number of choices of courses taught in English. Ahh, I don''t even know if I want to talk about how that's going. Let's just say, professors should probably be assessed by native English speaking teachers to see if they are ready to teach a course in English. That's all.-
Right now it is midterms week while most of America's college students are preparing for finals - so jealous. I have 4 midterms. I just got done with 2 of them on Thursday, accounting 1st and then human geography 3 hours later. I was so shocked on how easy the accounting midterm was. I am probably the only non-accounting or business major student in the class, but it seemed like students were just over thinking. They didn't know the answers to what I thought were common sense problems. I don't know . . . BUT, let me tell you . . . that human geography midterm was crazy!!! I was already worried on how I was going to do before the exam since the professor didn't tell us anything about it and said that anything from lecture to his jokes could be on the exam. Plus, I had spent most of my time studying for the accounting midterm. So when I get the exam, I look at it and I see 4 front and back pages (so really 8 pages, LOL) of essay questions. The 1st question, "what is a cartigram?" That's when I knew . . . . this was not going to be my best exam, LOL!!! OMG - I didn't know half of the stuff that was on there!! My friend who is also part of the AsiaLearn program finished her test so quickly - I was like . . . huh? I couldn't even give my professor my exam until the end of our time because I didn't want him to look at my answers like while I left like he was doing the other student who had finished before me, LOL.
Today is Saturday, getting ready to turn into Easter Sunday. I started my 17 Day Diet today, and it went well. Tomorrow, I have to study for my poetry midterm which I am also worried about because poetry is just hard - period. Then on Tuesday I have my environment midterm, but I'm not worried about that one because it's mostly multiple choice and the class is really simple. I still can't sleep, LOL. And I saw Dr. John too many times to want to go see him again, just for some sleeping pills that don't work - plus, he like to talk, LOL.
So - that has been my life so far here in Korea, LOL. I am ready to go home. There are some things here that I could never get used to starting with everyone just spitting everywhere - literally! People don't wash their hands after they use the bathroom! They just fix their hair in the mirror (right in front of the sink) and they just leave. . . I can't take this anymore!! LOL - So just 2 more months left! I'm both excited and sad. And I have to apologize because I had no clue that people could leave comments on post! LOL - I just read them and I feel so bad!! I would have committed to posting more often and replying!! So, I'm going to try to commit to posting every week leading up to my departure! I PROMISE!! I'll also post my pictures up since the zoo, LOL!!
Thanks for reading!!!!! - Christina*
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