Monday, September 6, 2010

Oh, Korea University . . . (<.<)

I've been in Korea for almost 3 weeks now.

September 8th will be day that marks the longest I have ever been outside of the United States. I was is Spain for only 3 weeks. I will be in Korea until the end of June.

School started on the 30th of August. We call the first week Drop and Add week because it's the only time you can add or drop a class that you've registered for. I dropped 2 classes and replaced them with 2 others. I dropped them because they were upper division. Yes, I know I'll have to take upper division when I get back to my home university. But I rather take upper division courses on a campus I've grown to understand than to take upper division classes on a campus that only offers a hand full of classes in English.

The classes that I am taking are: Understanding Korea Art, Art Through the Ages, Korean History: A New Perspective, and Korean 1+. I got put in the upper division of Korean because the school's Korean levels are different from Korean classes in the States. There expectation are higher, and plus I basically bombed the oral exam and literally begged my way into Korean plus. Having been in the class for a little over a week now, it's super easy. Everything is basically a review. But that's good. We do a lot of speaking which is where I need the most improvement on.

As far as Korean History: New Perspective . . . . I wish I was taking more credits so that I could drop this class!!! It's only a 100 level class, which is exactly the same as a 1000 level class at the U of M, but the teacher teaches and has given assignments as if it was a 400/4000 level course! He wants us to write a 7 page paper, in 11 size font, SINGLE SPACED!!!!!!! Not only that, but for our midterm and final exam, we have to write another "LONG," his word exactly, essay choosing one of the topics he gives us on the day of the exam! Oh yeah, we only have 1 hour to write it!!! MOMMY! OK, let me stop talking about that, uhh.

I don't what's up, but every semester I find myself taking some sort of class about art. The classes before were actually hands on, but Understanding Korean Art and Art Through The Ages aren't. There almost the exact same class, but Art Through The Ages goes beyond just Korean art. We get to go visit many museums, and the writing assignments are super easy. Maybe they seem easy because it's something that I'm interested in. I like Korean history, even though I've never taken a Korean history class, but the Korean History: A New Perspective class is not about classical Korean history. It's about some stuff the teacher has made up and probably some day in the future will get fired for teaching it. Yeah, it's that bad.

I love my roommate. Her name is Gao. She is also from Minnesota, but she goes to U of M Duluth. We have "roomie shoes," lol. Roomie shoes is a pair of shoes that both you and your roommate both have. Yeah, it's not a big deal to you, but to us it IS!! Lol. We don't have any problems at all. I love her \(^o^)/.

Oh yeah, the next video. The next video will be on Busan. It may take longer to make that the 1st one because I'm taking classes now, and it just takes a long time to make the videos anyway. So, I'm going to try to get started. I have to organize all the videos that I took while I was there and edit them and all this stuff. So, be patient.

I miss you all back at home. I almost got a little teary when I opened my package with a book sent to me from my Mom because it said "I love you and I miss - Mom." I MISS YOU TOO MOMMY!!! Lol. Then I saw a picture of my brother's new puppy, Kobe. That's when I started to thing about my baby Goku!!! Yeah, I guess I miss you too Dominique, lol - nah hah. It feels weird not calling anyone a fagot or homosexual bastard every ten minutes, LOL!!!!!!

So yeah, heads up for new updates and other crap -

- Christina*


  1. Are you at Korea University? Is Brittany there too?

  2. with all of your classes and all the work in your korean history class do you have time to go exploring in the campus or outside of it?
